Google Announces Instant Pages for Instant Search Results

Google has announced Instant Pages at its Inside Search event in San Francisco, a feature technology of instant that delivers results for searches instantaneously. In the demonstration, Google showed that a search result could take 3-5 seconds to appear on a local machine, but with Instant Pages the result is delivered with in 1 second. I can’t belive it, but its true!!

Google’s Amit Singhal said ” Google Instant namely that it was now available in 32 languages and over 62 domains. The Instant Search feature is also now available on Google “Image Search,” working by changing the images as you enter search.” We call speed the killer app. None of us have enough time, and last year’s Google Instant was one of the biggest improvements we’ve made in getting information to users quicker.”

A new image search feature will also invite users to upload, drag and drop, paste a URL or use a browser extension to provide a reference to an image. Google will then identify the image by comparing it to its database and publishing the subject, location and details.

Google “Instant Pages” will be available on Chrome Beta in the next week and is available in the developer version of Chrome today.  Singal also said that Pages and Instant combined will save people 8-10 seconds of search work.

Here’s video of Instant Pages. Check it now