Beyond IT Support
All business use technology in some way, and most of them have some kind of IT support to help them day to day. But there are additional support services to consider, beyond IT support, to keep your technology running smoothly and keep your business ticking over with minimal stress and hassle.

Repair services
Sometimes your technical difficulties can’t be solved by turning it off and turning it on again. Sometimes a part is simply broken and needs to be replaced or repaired. From network maintenance to printer repair Virginia or your area, you want to make sure that you have a specialist you can call when something goes physically wrong with your technology. Sometimes IT can crack the case and figure out what’s gone wrong inside, but sometimes they can’t, and you want to be prepared for that eventuality.
There will also be times that your equipment simply won’t be salvageable or is too outdated to be updated. When you need to replace your tech, that also means getting rid of your old tech. E-waste can be a hassle to manage; it often can’t — or shouldn’t — just go directly into the trash. Dealing with it can be costly, both for you and for they environment. Global e-waste is becoming a critical problem, and it’s only going to get worse. Look into options for e-waste management or recycling.
There’s also going to be certain supplies — like printer ink for example — that you need to restock regularly in order to keep all your tech functioning optimally. Nowadays, there are many subscription services that will deliver your supplies regularly without the hassle of going to the nearest office supply store.
Technology is a wonderful thing, but technology problems can be a real headache. With the right supplies and the right support, you can minimize the headaches and maximize productivity.