Where Did All the Hail Come From?
The heavens opened while you were driving down the highway. A perfectly blue sky above you with a scattering of white clouds. All the sudden hail began dropping out of nowhere. You weren’t worried because you have driven through hail storms many times and knew to pull over on the side of the road until the weather cleared enough to allow you safe travel. That was when it happened – huge hail stones began bouncing off the hood of your car right in front of your eyes. Not the pea sized hail stones that normally fell from clear skies, but giant 2-inch diameter monsters sized hail stones. Now, what do you do?

Take A Lot of Pictures
Unless the local news crew caught videos of the storm as it passed through the area, no one is going to believe you were in a storm of epic proportions, so take pictures. Take a lot of pictures or even a video if you can.
Call Your Insurance Company
Let your insurance company know what happened, where you were when it occurred, and what condition your vehicle is in. Here is another example of where those pictures you took come in handy – send them to your agent to show him or her how big the dents are.
Contact an Auto Repair Mechanic
There are going to be hundreds of different sized dents in your vehicle’s exterior, so you may want to find a hail storm repair Lakewood CO mechanic, or a company that understands how to repair each of the dings or dents. Your insurance company may have suggestions about which shop to take your car to, but you may want to do some research on your own to make sure the mechanics know what they are doing.
Driving through a car wash or a hail storm may be exciting for children, but when your car is being battered by huge rocks of ice, it can become frightening. Once the event passes, think of it like this – you have pictures to prove you were there.