7 iPad Weight Loss Applications

Are you planning to become handyman? Here is a way that your iPad can help you in doing so by choosing to opt in for using some of the applications that can tell you whether you are turning into a couch potato or not? The fight against obesity and weight loss are one of the best ways to improve on letting you not to make spare some extra time on your grocery shopping, calorie counting and relaxation. There is handful of iPad weight loss apps which can help you to monitor your weight loss gradually. Here is the list.

1. Navy Seal Fitness:

This is an iPad application that will aid you to maintain an extraordinarily high level of fitness as the name suggests, you will be forced naturally into a clear, concise and authoritative physical fitness training program. The application is managed and driven by a strong workforce backing from trained physiologists and physicians who have specialist knowledge in helping you strategically manage your obesity, weight loss program and diet plans.

Download: Navy Seal Fitness

2. 1000 Exercises by Men’s Health And Women’s Health:

1000 Exercises is one of the most comprehensive fitness applications for iPad that helps you to create workouts with more than thousand exercises according to your gender, and allows synchronization between devices.

Download:1000 Exercises


To prevent you from being bullied next time as a couch potato, you should fail not to use this application, Couch to 50 kilos, that also helps you to listen to music and enjoy their workouts and that will help you between the alternates between walking and running, taking at the least 9 weeks to complete with 3 workout scheduled each 30 to 40 minutes long to suit your weight loss diet program.

Download: C25K

4. Simply Being – Guided Meditation For Relaxation and Presence:

This is the best way to get your leisure go rather than spending the coupon discount on a roadside restaurant listen to the voice guided systematic meditation of 5, 10, 15 or 20 minutes, giving you the option of meditating with or without music, relax deeply and experience the most benefits of meditating in a quiet place even in a park on the go or in your office lawn!

Download: Simply Being – Guided Meditation for Relaxation and Presence

5. Calorie Counter:

This is the simple way that you can go without missing all your official meetings and find simple info and keep track of the meals, exercise and weight all under one roof of the convenience of your iPad application and still fight your obesity problem fighting meetings and dinners that might come in way to your weight loss program. I would always recommend this app to the readers of my Nutrisystem savings discount offers blog.What is good about calorie counter is that you can pull out barcodes to keep track of what you have been eating and record your progress.

Download: Calorie Counter

6. Lets Lose Weight Naturally:

This is the best iPad application for those who do not believe in weight loss supplements and diet programs. This is one of the best ways to escape from many of the natural weight loss schedules that will help you to strive longer and healthier. You can also try Medifast diet which is also good and I would always recommend going for Medifast promo coupon for May to get it cheap.

Download: Lets Lose Weight Naturally

7. Heartwise Blood Pressure Tracker:

Heartwise is the wisest choice, which is easy to use application for recording and keeping track of blood pressure, heart rate and weight. This has a built-in visualization charts and trends that will tell you everything over a period of time, and will sort your obesity related issues.

Download: Heartwise Blood Pressure Tracker

Guest Post – Praveen is a technology fan and iPad addict. He also scours the Internet for coupons and discounts on popular weight loss programs such as Nutrisystem savings discount offers and Medifast promo coupon for May. He recently made available the Medifast promo coupon for May and Nutrisystem savings discount offers , two meal replacement diets.